In accordance with the Notre Dame tradition of service and family, the school asks for the involvement of each student’s family in various activities that serve the needs of the school and help to build a sense of community.
Each family is expected to perform volunteer service for the benefit of Notre Dame and its programs. Families must complete at least 15 service hours during the 2024-2025 school year, from June 1, 2024, through May 1, 2025. Excess hours accrued in one year do not carry over to a subsequent year.
Each family is responsible for keeping a record of hours and for submitting the log sheet to the Main Office by the announced due dates in order to receive credit for their hours.
Live Scan Fingerprinting and a certification of completion for the online course “Protecting God’s Children® Online Awareness Session 3.0” are required for all volunteers working directly with students. For more details please click here.
Those families who would prefer to opt-out of family service hours can indicate it on their enrollment contract and will be invoiced for $400.00.
Families are welcome to submit their Family Service Log Sheet throughout the year. Those who do not meet the minimum hourly requirement by May 1, 2025, will be invoiced through their FACTS account for their payment.